Delicious cafe au lait made with Nanan Tokyo drip bags
1. Prepare about 100 to 200 ml of hot water.
②Pour milk into a mug. Adjust the amount to your liking, between 60 and 120ml.
③If you want it hot, heat it in the microwave.
④ Place the drip pack into a cup filled with milk.
⑤ Pour in a small amount of hot water and let it steep for 1 minute. After that, pour in the hot water little by little over a period of 2 minutes.
Adjust the amount of water to your liking between 90 and 150 ml.
* point*
・Warm the milk in a microwave at 600W for about 50 seconds. It will reach about 60 degrees.
This is the temperature range where you can feel the sweetness the most. For soy milk or milk, this is the best temperature to prevent a film from forming on the surface.
・Add sugar to taste. If you dissolve the sugar before heating, the protein film will be less likely to form.
・Be sure to use very hot water (around 97-92°C) and first pour in a small amount of hot water (about 30ml) and let it steep for 1 minute.
This is to extract coffee with a strength that will stand up to the milk.
・Taste adjustment: Strong milkiness... 90ml hot water: 120ml milk
Half and half...120ml hot water:90ml milk
Strong coffee flavor: 150ml hot water: 60ml milk